Source code for cromwell_manager.io_util

import os
import sys
from io import BytesIO, BufferedIOBase
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import zipfile
import datetime
from import storage
import webbrowser
import requests

[docs]class GSObject: def __init__(self, gs_filestring, client=None): """Object for downloading google storage blobs. :param str gs_filestring: google storage url for file to be downloaded :param | None client: (optional) authenticated google storage client """ # get client if isinstance(client, storage.Client): self.client = client elif client is None: self.client = storage.Client() else: raise TypeError('client must be a object or None, not %s' % type(client)) # get bucket, blob from filestring if isinstance(gs_filestring, str) and gs_filestring.startswith('gs://'): bucket, blob = self.split_path(gs_filestring) self.bucket = self.client.bucket(bucket) self.blob = self.bucket.get_blob(blob) else: raise TypeError('gs_filestring must be a string that startswith "gs://"') @staticmethod
[docs] def split_path(path): """Utility to split a google storage path into bucket + key. :param str path: google storage path (must have gs:// prefix) :return str: bucket :return str: blob """ if not path.startswith('gs://'): raise ValueError('%s path is not a valid code review') prefix, _, bucket, *blob = path.split('/') return bucket, '/'.join(blob)
[docs] def download_as_string(self): """Download data as a string :return str: downloaded blob data """ return self.blob.download_as_string().decode()
[docs] def download_to_file(self, file_object): """Download data to file :param io.BufferedIOBase file_object: open bytes-writable file object """ if not isinstance(file_object, BufferedIOBase): raise TypeError('file_object must be an open, writable file object') self.blob.download_to_file(file_object)
[docs] def download_to_bytes_readable(self): """Return a bytes file-like object readable by requests and REST APIs :return BufferedIOBase: readable file object """ string_buffer = BytesIO() self.blob.download_to_file(string_buffer) return string_buffer
[docs]class HTTPObject: def __init__(self, url): """Object for downloading files at http or https endpoints. e.g. github raw endpoints :param str url: url of data to be downloaded to file """ if isinstance(url, str) and (url.startswith('http://') or url.startswith('https://')): self.url = url else: raise TypeError('url must be a str that starts with http:// or https://')
[docs] def download_as_string(self): """Download data as a string :return str: downloaded url data """ return requests.get(self.url).content.decode()
[docs] def download_to_file(self, file_object): """Download data to file :param io.BufferedIOBase file_object: open bytes-writable file object """ bytestring = requests.get(self.url).content file_object.write(bytestring)
[docs] def download_to_bytes_readable(self): """Return a bytes file-like object readable by requests and REST APIs :return BufferedIOBase: readable file object """ bytestring = requests.get(self.url).content buffer = BytesIO(bytestring) return buffer
def exists(self): return True if requests.head(self.url).status_code == 200 else False
[docs]def package_workflow_dependencies(**dependencies): """Download wdls, zip, and return a bytes-readable output :param dependencies: dict of dependency (name, path) pairs to be included in the archive - name should be the expected name for the imported dependency - path should give the object's location, supports google storage, https, and local paths :return File: file object with binary data written. """ archive_buffer = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) archive = zipfile.ZipFile(archive_buffer, 'a') for name, dependency in dependencies.items(): if dependency.startswith('gs://'): dependency_data = GSObject(dependency).download_as_string() archive.writestr(name, dependency_data) if dependency.startswith('https://') or dependency.startswith('http://'): dependency_data = HTTPObject(dependency).download_as_string() archive.writestr(name, dependency_data) else: # assume filepath archive.write(dependency, arcname=name) archive.close() # writes essential records archive_buffer.close() # clean up, will be deleted on program termination return open(, 'rb')
[docs]def open_gs_console(link, project): """open the google storage console to view the contents of link :param str link: gs file or directory :param str project: project owner of link """ if link.startswith('gs://'): link = link.replace('gs://', '') link = '{link}'.format(link=link) if link.endswith('/'): link += '?project={project}'.format(project=project) link = '{link}'.format(link=link)
def check_exists(file_or_link): """check that a file or link points to a valid location :param str file_or_link: :return bool: """ if file_or_link.startswith('http'): rc = requests.head(file_or_link).status_code if rc == 200: announce('checking {}... OK.'.format(file_or_link)) else: announce('checking {}... returned code {!s}, FAIL.'.format(file_or_link, rc)) elif file_or_link.startswith('gs://'): if GSObject(file_or_link).blob.exists(): announce('checking {}... OK.'.format(file_or_link)) else: announce('checking {}... does not exist!, FAIL.'.format(file_or_link)) else: if os.path.isfile(file_or_link): announce('checking {}... OK.') else: announce('checking {}... not a valid file, FAIL.'.format(file_or_link)) def announce(message): print('CWM:{}:{}'.format(, message))